Single Life
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One of the hardest things to overcome is being alone around Valentine's Day.  If you don't have a significant other during the month of love, we have 8 super sweet things you can do for yourself that may result in the best Valentine's month, like, EVER!   

When the kiddos are with your ex and your sitting there, streaming the same ol' stuff on Prime® or Netflix® with nothing on your mind but loneliness and boredom, we have some ideas that can turn things around.

8 Super Sweet Ways to Be Your Own Valentine

Books and Bubbles

8.  Get a hot and steamy romance novel or a book with an interesting take on dating today.  Fill up the tub and wine tumbler and get turning.  Add some surround sound tunes to whatever floats your bod' and lay back, read, drink and relax.  As always, enjoy responsibly.

Here's some ideas for books that you can buy now...


Sweet Love 

7.  Buy that box or basket of chocolates that he was never bright enough to give you on Valentine's Day.  You know the box with the chocolates you really like, the one's that may be better than sex.  Invest a little; chocolates like these should only come once a year.  Not a fan of chocolate?  No worries, buy whatever tickles your sweet tooth.

Here are some ideas to buy right now...


Make or Bake

6.  Buy, make or bake something super sweet for someone you care about, but it need not be someone you necessarily love.   Valentine's Day is about love, care and consideration, not just romance.  Celebrate by making some cookies for an elderly neighbor, a teacher, co-worker anytime thru-out the month.  Have your little ones, add in some homemade valentine's cards.  Maybe crochet or sew a heart blanket for a friends new baby or grandbaby.  No matter what it is, the act of giving can be as elating as receiving.

Mix or cookbook ideas that can be delivered to your front door...


Sweet Spa Day!

5.  No matter if you have the money for the actual spa or if your budget is ®more Target® or Dollar Store®, nothing can relax and recharge like some established, planned "me time".  Soak, scrub and mud.  Massage your own arms, legs and feet.  Paint your toes, Biore' your nose, drink a shake and stay up late.  Music, a favorite movie or white noise like rain can really set the mood for a night-in caring for the only "you" you got girl!  Eat some sweets, have a cocktail or mocktail, through some cucumbers on your eyes and do nothing at all.  Then get some beauty rest and sleep in as late as you like the next morning.

Go small pores, large spa basket or both...


Get social or start a hobby

4.  Get social and start something new!  Take a class at the community college or maybe join a theater group and try-out for a play.  Join a book club or join a Meetup® group.  Meeting new friends, getting your mind off of your love woes and starting new things can stimulate your life again!  

Start your own Meetup group, join one you like or get started on a new hobby or part-time trade today...

Meetup Help   

Date a Little

3.  Join Facebook Dating®, Match®, Bumble® or any dating app and request meeting as friends.  Getting the chance to meet new guys may give you a fresh perspective of men today.  Some good, some not so great, but the experience that may prepare you for meeting that special someone.  Could that special someone by mixed in with these fellas?  Maybe, but don't count on it.  Rebounds rarely work for long and those that do, often end in divorce.  So take it slow, agree to chat for awhile and don't be rushed into anything, even that first kiss.  Just agree to meet, spend an evening or afternoon doing things you both enjoy and have fun!   

Ideas, advice and beware...things to consider when getting back out there...


Work it out babe

2.  Go for a walk, try some stretching exercises and meditation.  Getting outside is best, especially in nature.  Put on a warm jack or coat, mittens and hat and go to the park for a long, late winter walk.  Mix in some tunes, your pet and comfortable shoes and the two of you can enjoy some outdoor time together that will stimulate your senses and clear your mind.  Your pet will be relaxed and quiet when you return, giving you a nice quiet time to stretch and meditate.  Doing this before you dig into your chocolates and book may make a perfect Valentine's Day!

Super hot bod, coming up...


Book Club or Dance Club

1.   Call a friend or plan a girl's night out.  It need not be on Valentine's Day, anytime this month is fine.  Being with people you care about keeps your spirits up, mind stimulated and heart from breaking.  Every minute sitting alone, ruminating in heartbreak, anger and blame adds up to nothing but loneliness and misery.  Every minute not doing that is a minute of positive intentions towards moving forward happy and healthy.  Those minutes add to your positivity and move you in the right direction.   Positivity and uplifting spirits add to your mental well-being and improve your mood, helping you better cope with being alone during holidays, including Valentine's Day!

Girlfriends and wine, need we say more?

Meetup Help   

To our readers,

Bring up your mood and quit the brood, its time to take this Valentine's Day like a girl!  Strong, wise and independent looks good on us, let's see where it takes us from now until next year and beyond!

From our family to yours, Happy Valentine's Day! 

Much Love, ourDMK Family