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I was in my early 40's when I divorced.  I had 3 children, ages 12, 14 and 16 along with a home mortgaged 90% of it's value.  I worked the entire time I was married except for 6 weeks maternity leave for each child. 

However, it was my husband that we put our money on.  My jobs were always secondary and supportive of his career.  I was the primary caregiver and backup wage earner so that he could be 100% vested in his career. 

Our hopes were that his career would eventually provide us long term assurances.  Little did I know I would be severed from his successes and left with a supportive role that could not provide the amount necessary to support myself and children.  When I settled with my spouse, I didn't know a judge would have likely awarded a me a more favorable judgement to include more support than I negotiated based on my circumstances and local laws.  I still would have wanted to avoid court, but knowing then what I know now would have made me a better negotiator.

What are some financial surprises I encountered during divorce?

What are some must-haves or legal considerations during divorce? 

What are some personal surprises during divorce?


You may never anticipate everything that can happen in a divorce.  Remember, you are 50% of the divorce and despite a soon-to-be exzilla making the process 80% miserable, that doesn't mean you should add your 20%.  It really won't help you feel better.

Don't leave without your property

Think about what you need now and in the future.  Never separate until all personal property is divided and personal documents are copied for both parties.  Work on the family budget document together, if possible. 

Save on legal fees, but do your homework

If your spouse is cooperative, there is no history of domestic abuse and your prospective attorney agrees, you should try to negotiate as much as possible yourselves to avoid costly legal fees.  But, you should understand your legal rights and possibilities based on your circumstances before agreeing to accept a possibly insufficient settlement that fails to maintain a lifestyle you are already accustomed.  Once you both hire attorneys, they may advise you to only communicate with them regarding settlement issues.  You should understand the scope of their representation and counsel, as well as, the fee structure. 

If you share an attorney, it's possible he/she is only hired to do the legal filing and paperwork and will offer little guidance otherwise.  It may be best to at least consult with your own legal counselor to provide you guidance regarding your circumstances and local laws relevant to your case. 

Separation agreement

Develop a separation agreement that spells out the temporary child custody, housing situation and support that will be used as a model for your divorce agreement.  Establish who will keep the family home or if it will be sold.  While separated, do not allow the non-residing spouse to re-enter the home unless it is a shared housing arrangement once a separtion has commenced.  Know that this agreement is usually the basis by which your attorney will begin to develop your final settlement agreement.


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